11 Cheapest Universities in Canada for Foreign Students, 2023

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You can find some of the cheapest universities in Canada for foreign students. Canada, in general, is seen as one of the best places in the world to study for free, depending on your study program type and your choice of university to study in the country.

That being said, if you are looking for the cheapest universities to study in Canada, then you’ve come to the right place.

Why Should I Study in Canada?

The following are some of the major benefits that come with studying in Canada:

  1. Having a feel of a country that’s completely multicultural; a country that is open to any type of person from any kind of ethnic group around the world. Thus, you will never be discriminated against for your ethnic background or beliefs. Canada is fully democratic and recognizes the rights of all its inhabitants.
  2. You have a way much better chance of getting permanent citizenship in Canada than in any other place in the world.
  3. Canada gives students the freedom to work while schooling. This gives foreign students the chance to gain more work experience and secure better job opportunities within the country, upon completing their study program. This also helps international students to manage their financial resources more properly, through their study program.
  4. Canada offers graduates ample job opportunities when they are done with their study programs.
  5. Asides from the many job opportunities available for students and graduates in Canada, there are so many other opportunities that come with studying in Canada. There’s the low cost of healthcare, scholarship opportunities for international students, and lots more.
  6. Canadian school certificates are well-recognized anywhere in the world.
  7. And finally, Canada provides a well-serene, peaceful and quiet environment for international students to carry out their studies.
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Studying in Canada is undeniably a fun experience worth exploring. While in Canada, you can also engage in some of the amazing cultural festivals that take place within the country.

11 Cheapest Universities in Canada for International Students

The top 11 cheapest universities in Canada for foreign students include:

  1. University of Montreal
  2. Memorial University of Newfoundland
  3. University of Regina
  4. University of the People
  5. University of Calgary
  6. Bradon University
  7. Canadian Mennonite University
  8. University of Saskatchewan
  9. Universite de Saint-Boniface
  10. Simon Fraser University
  11. University of Guelph

You are free to copy these names and search them on any engine of your choice to verify their authenticity.

The above list of cheapest universities in Canada can be further grouped into the following:

  • Cheapest universities in Canada for undergraduate foreign students
  • Cheapest universities in Canada for foreign students looking to undertake a Master’s degree program

Cheapest Universities in Canada for Undergraduate Foreign Students

The list includes the following:

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University of the People No tuition fee
Simon Fraser University $7,203
Universite de Saint-Boniface $7,428
University of Guelph $9,730
Canadian Mennonite University $10,003
Memorial University of Newfoundland $11,460
University of Montreal $15,019

Cheapest Universities in Canada for Foreign Students Looking to Undertake a Master’s Degree Program

The list includes the following:

Memorial University of Newfoundland $3,222
University of Northern British Columbia $3,297
Simon Fraser University $3,743
University of Calgary $3,693
University of Saskatchewan $4,358
University of Regina $6,427

What is the Standard Cost of Living for Foreign Students in Canada?

The standard of life of a foreign student in Canada is not so expensive at all, specifically when compared to that in other countries.

This is usually influenced by the location of the university where the student is studying within the country. However, applying international students are expected to show proof of at least $10,000 CAD in their personal finances in addition to their current tuition fee in order to study in Canada.

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This just goes to show that the Canadian government expects incoming foreign students to be able to cater for their tuition fees, along with about $10,000 CAD to cover their daily expenses in the country.

How to Study in Canada for Free?

Studying in Canada for free is not a myth!

This is made possible by the many scholarship opportunities made available for international students yearly within the country, both for undergraduate study programs and graduate degrees.

Many of these opportunities are offered by the Canadian government as a way to attract new international talents into the country and to assist foreign students like you in getting all the necessary quality education that they’ve always aspired to get in life for free.

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